For some, the New Year brings new hope, new dreams, and new goals. But many are hoping this New Year will bring a second chance. At some point everyone desires a second chance…a chance to “do-over” and “make right”. In the Old Testament, Moses knew what it felt to long for a second chance. He had murdered an Egyptian soldier for beating a Hebrew – one of his own people. But his fellow brethren rejected his heroic efforts and Moses life was in danger. So, he fled far away with no intentions of ever returning back to Egypt. But God had another plan for Moses life. After many years in seclusion, God sought Moses and initiated a “second chance.” He invited Moses to participate in His great work of freeing the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. Moses should have immediately responded, “yes God! I’ll go.” But, sadly, his defeated response was, “Who I am, that I should go?” (Exodus 2:11-3:11).
We too can have the same shortsighted vision like Moses. God graciously extends a Second chance to us when He offers forgiveness for our wrong doings, speaks encouraging promises to us through His word, or gives us an opportunity to serve Him and His people. But often times, we allow the regrets of the past to outweigh the future God has planned for us. Listen to God’s word in Philippians 1:6 (ESV).
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
This scripture reveals that God initiates the great work of salvation in us through Jesus Christ and He will work hard to complete our unique calling until His son comes back again. However, our past failures will lead us to believe that our second chance is gone. Like Moses, we may say, “Who am I that I should go, or be forgiven, or be used for kingdom work?” But we must remember that the secret ingredient to sustain us for kingdom work is found only in the Great I Am.
God gave Moses a powerful promise and it is the same promise that is available to us as well, “I will be with you” (Ex.3:12). As we focus on this New Year, let’s never forget that God is faithful and graciously extends a second chance to join Him.